
Realms: 5

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Literature Text

Although they had slept at midnight, and expected to wake up at ten in the morning, they instead woke up at five. And in that time, no neighbor was yet awake. As Sarika awakened and looked around, everything was still rather quiet, she looked over at Aldric and smiled at him, she gently nuzzled him and got up to stretch. Today was a really big day, it was time to return to the dragon realms and live out life. She really couldn't wait for the future to happen; it was something she didn't think she'd actually look forward to. She looked back down at her mate and nuzzled him again, trying to awaken him.

Aldric just groaned in his sleep as Sarika nuzzled him. He shifted lightly and moved his head away from her and place it under his wing some and continued sleeping. He even started to mumble in his sleep lightly.

"Five more minutes mom." he mumbled.

Sarika giggled and told him, "Since when was I your mother?"

Aldric slowly opened his eyes as he heard Sarika's voice and lifted his head from under his wing. He yawned widely and looked at her with a bit of a smile. He got up lazily and started to stretch as well and a few small pops came from his neck and tail. He looked back over at Sarika and nuzzled her gently.

"Morning," she told him.

"Morning love." he said.

"Well, we'll have to leave soon and go back," she replied, nuzzling him and then commenting, "I'm so excited about this."

"So am I love. I guess you should go wake them while I wake up my parents and the others out here." he said and nuzzled her back.

Sarika nodded and told him, "Gonna have to do that without waking everyone else in the house up. That back window isn't exactly dragon sized."

"Yeah I know what you mean. But I'm sure I'll find a way to wake them up without having them roaring at me." he said and chuckled lightly.

Sarika giggled and then headed off, squeezing herself through the back window as quietly as possible. It felt strange to be walking through this house as a dragon, everything was much smaller now. She walked through the house and went upstairs, making her way to her parents' room first. She walked up to their door and knocked on it lightly.

"Mom? Dad?" she called out half loudly.

Her mom woke up sleepily as she heard Sarika at their door. She looked at the clock and saw that it was only quarter after 5 in the morning. She got up and put a robe on and slowly walked to the door. When she got to the door, she opened it about half way and looked out to see Sarika standing there.

"Sarika, how come you're up so early." she said.

"Well, we have to go soon, before anyone sees us," Sarika explained.

Her mother went wide eyed at this. She had completely forgot about the neighbors seeing her two daughters and the other dragons in their backyard. She didn't want anything to happen to them if the neighbors did see them and possible call animal control, or worse yet, the police and military. She looked at Sarika again and nodded lightly.

"I'll wake your father up Sarika. You go wake Brittany and the others okay." she said and quietly closed the door.

She nodded and headed off to find her sister, Mark and Mark's parents. Going over to a guest room in particular she knocked upon the door and called out, "Brittany?"

"Yes Sarika." she sleepily said from inside the room.

"We're going," she told her, "Get ready."

"O-Okay." she said as she started to get out of bed.

Sarika then proceeded to where Mark and his parents slept and knocked upon their door as well.

Mark woke up when he heard the knocking and slowly got up and walked to the door. He was wondering who it was and wondering why they were knocking on the door at this time in the morning. He got to the door and opened it up quietly. He looked around and soon saw Sarika standing there and smiled happily.

"Are we going for another flight Sarika." he said quietly and happily.

"You could say that Mark," Sarika replied, "To your new home."

Mark smiled happily at this and almost squealed with joy but made sure to keep it down so he won't wake up his parents and have them mad at him. He was so excited that he was actually going to become a dragon soon and walked back over to his mom and dad and woke them up.

Sarika smiled at the sight, she was happy to see her cousin so excited as well.

Aldric had woken up everybody that was outside but had a hard time waking up Talmon. He knew that Talmon was a heavy sleeper sometimes if he stayed up too late. Aldric tried almost everything to wake Talmon up and he just mumbled in his sleep and put his head under his wing. Aldric rolled his eyes some and sighed. He finally got an idea as he walked over to Talmon's tail smiling some. He used to do this to Talmon all the time when they were growing up just to wake him up from a sound sleep. He lowered his head and grabbed Talmon's tail in his mouth and bit down on it lightly.

Talmon let out a groaning sound and said groggily, "Why now?"

"Because if we don't leave now, the other humans will see us and that could be a bit bad for us." Aldric said quietly.

Talmon then replied, "Fine, fine."

He got up a bit slowly and stretched.

"At least I didn't bite you harder like I used to do when we were younger." he said and chuckled.

"Yeah, whatever, let's just go already," Talmon said, not really caring anymore.

Aldric rolled his eyes some as he looked back over at the house. He chuckled lightly as he started to hear Mark talking about going to the drag on realm and becoming an actually dragon. No matter what size he'll be at when he changes. Aldric sighed some as he remembered the talk he had with Sarika the night before about the fact that Mark might turn into a dragoness instead of a dragon. He just hoped that Mark will still be happy with whatever happens to him when he does transform into a dragon. He soon saw Mark come outside and run over to them smiling widely and laughing as well.

"Hiya!" he smiled happily, "I'm ready!"

"Hi Mark. So who would you like to fly with today? Me or Sarika." he said.

"Sarika," Mark replied, smiling.

Aldric chuckled some at this as he looked around. His mother was gone and he had guessed that she went to go get her brother and sister so that they could come with them.

"Well, we just have to wait for my mom to get back and we'll be ready to go." Aldric said.

Mark nodded and walked over to Sarika and petted her, he had never actually petted a dragon before.

Sarika smiled at this as Mark petted her and started purring lightly as she lied back down on the ground. She liked the sensation of being petted for some reason and didn't want it to stop. She closed her eyes happily and continued purring as Mark continued petting her.

Mark continued petting her and then said, "You sure like being petted."

"Yes I do Mark." she said and continued purring.

Mark smiled and continued petting her. "I can't wait," he told her.

"Neither can I Mark." She continued purring and looked up at Aldric with a bit of concern in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" he asked her.

"Should we at least tell him about it." she asked.

Aldric thought a moment and nodded, "We should. At least he'll know."

"Okay," she replied and looked at Mark, "Mark there's something we need to tell you."

"What is it?" Mark asked, tilting his head.

"Well, the thing is, once we get to the cave, you may not transform into a dragon, but a dragoness." she said.

"A dragoness? What's the difference between a dragon and a dragoness?" Mark asked, not really grasping that concept.

"Well, a dragoness is a female dragon. Like I am now." she said.

Mark went wide eyed, "A girl!?"

"Yes Mark, a girl. That's what happened to me and to Anthea." she said.

"But I don't wanna be a girl! I'll have cooties!" Mark whined.

Aldric chuckled at this and lowered his head to look at Mark and said, "Well, it may or may not happen Mark. We'll just have to wait and see."

Mark shrugged, "Okay. But I still don't want cooties!"

"Well, I kissed you earlier and you didn't get cooties Mark." Sarika said and giggled lightly.

"That's because when I went inside I washed my head carefully!" Mark answered.

"Well, we kissed already and I don't have these so called cooties that you say that she has." Aldric said and smiled.

Mark kept silent for a moment and then asked, "Are we going to go yet?"

"Yes we are, here comes my mom now." Aldric said as he looked up in the sky.

Sarika and Mark looked over to see Aldric's mother approach them. Mark smiled and said happily, "Yay!"

Minali smiled some at this as she lied down on the ground and folded her wings to her side. Sarika smiled some when she saw Minali's brother and sister were one her back along with their spouses.

"So you ready mom?" Aldric asked.

"Yes I am Aldric. I just had to do a little convincing with Jake's wife and Emily's husband." she said and smiled some.

Aldric nodded and then looked over at Sarika who was already letting Mark onto her back, and then to his brother who was getting Mark's parents onto his back and then his sister who was getting Sarika's parents onto her back and Anthea was getting Brittany onto hers. He nodded and then told everyone, "Follow me then."

Aldric spread his wings and took to the sky as Sarika followed him and was soon flying beside him. Aldric's parents were flying right behind them and Minali's brother and sister and everybody else went wide eyed when they were so high in the sky. The only one that was enjoying it was Mark as he was hanging onto Sarika and laughing loudly. He was looking all over the place as they flew over the houses and soon over the city. Sarika smiled at this and giggled lightly at the thought of him not wanting to get cooties.

Mark exclaimed, "This is so cool!"

"Yes it is Mark, and pretty soon, you'll be able to fly by yourself." Sarika said.

Mark was smiling at this, pretty much forgetting about what Sarika had told him a while ago.

"Yeah, I can't wait!" he replied excitedly.

They continued flying through the air and got to the one part of the mountains that had the cave that lead to the dragon realm. They soon landed in front of the cave as Mark slid down Sarika's back laughing and the others got off as well and just stood there looking at the cave. Mark was still smiling about turning into a dragon that he almost fell over from the excitement. He couldn't wait any longer and tried to go into the cave first but Anthea stood in his way.

"Whoa there Mark. You just can't go running in there by yourself. You'll get lost." she said.

"Awww, but I wanna go in now!" Mark whined.

"I'll go with you if it's okay with your parents Mark. I think it might be best to do this one at a time, don't you Aldric." Sarika said as she walked up to Mark smiling.

Aldric nodded, "Yeah, or else we might just clog up the cave."

"Okay, so I guess that Mark would like to go first then." Sarika said as she looked back down at Mark.

"Yay!" Mark jumped, "Let's go!"

"I'll go in with him alone if that's okay Aldric." she said as she looked over at him and giggled lightly.

"Wait, why?" Mark's mother asked.

She walks over to him and whispers, "Just in case you know what happens."

"What'll happen?" Mark's mother whispered back.

Sarika went a bit wide eyed at this and sighed as she looked at Aldric with a certain look in her eye and whispered, "I guess we should tell his parents as well."

Aldric nodded and agreed.

"Well, it's just that Mark may or may not turn into a dragoness when he goes into the cave." she said to Mark's parents.

They both stared at her in disbelief and looked at each other, a bit unsettled. They then turned to Sarika and asked, "What are the chances of that?"

"Very likely. I was turned into a dragoness and so was Anthea here. Even Aldric's mom used to be a male human at one time and was changed into a dragoness." she said.

"Well, if it has to be," Mark's mother started, "I guess he should still go."

Sarika nodded at this and turned around and walked back over to Mark smiling and said, "So, are you ready to go Mark."

"Yeah! Come on!" he excitedly replied.

"Okay, but I just have to say that it's going to be a bit painful when the transformation starts." she said.

"It will?" Mark asked.

"Yes it will be, especially when your tail and wings grow in." she said.

Mark nodded and then said, "But at least I'll still be a dragon!" He smiled after he said so, waiting for the signal to enter from Sarika.

Sarika nodded at this and started walking into the cave with Mark in tow. He was really excited about this and she wanted to be there in case he did turn into a dragoness. They continued walking into the cave and she knew that the transformation would start very soon.

Mark looked around, pretty amazed about the cave itself. He looked over to Sarika and asked, "So when does it start?"

Little did he know that some bit of scales were spreading onto his hand.

Sarika stopped walking and looked down at Mark and soon saw purple scales starting to grow on his hands. She smiled softly at this as Mark stopped and looked at her.

"The transformation is already starting Mark." she said.

"Hm?" Mark tilted his head and blinked a bit.

"Look at your hands." she said.

Mark took a glance at his hands and saw the growing scales; he uttered rather loudly, "Cool!"

Sarika smiled at this as the scales start to spread up his hands and his nails start to slowly move to the end of his fingers and become white claws. Mark took a closer look at the scales and went a bit wide eyed at the color of them.

"Wait! Why are my scales purple?" he asked loudly.

"I don't really know Mark." she said as she took a closer look at the scales.

Mark sort of sighed at this, "I look just like that dragon from the videogames!"

Sarika giggled some at this as the scales started to creep up his arms. They soon got to his shoulders and started to spread down his sides and back as purple breastplates started to form on his chest and go down his stomach. As the scales were spreading, he started to feel like he was shrinking slightly as his shirt became a bit looser. The scales than started to spread down his legs and when they reached his feet, they changed into paws as his nails moved to the ends of his toes and became claws as well. He started to feel pressure building up on his tailbone as it started to grow outwards. When this happened, his pants fell to the ground and he was clearly embarrassed by this and was wondering why he was shrinking. He looked up at Sarika with a questionable look on his face.

"Why am I getting smaller?" he asked Sarika.

"It's because you're a child Mark, and a dragon child usually is small." she said.

"Oh, okay," Mark nodded.

Mark soon felt pressure building in his shoulder blades as two arm like appendages burst through his shirt and it fell to the ground in shreds. The fingers started to elongate as a purple membrane started to grow in between them. The scales started to spread up his neck as it lengthened slightly and he started to get a small pain in the back of his head. Two small white horns grew out as small white spikes went down his neck and his back and ended at the tip of his tail. His arms and legs soon repositioned themselves as he fell forward on all fours and his arms became forelegs and his hands became paws. He started to get a pain in his head again as he could feel his skull start to break apart. His nose fused with his upper jaw as it pushed out into a small muzzle and two nostrils appeared on the end of his snout. He soon got new sharper teeth as his old ones fell out and his tongue lengthened and became forked at the end. He started to feel a stinging sensation in his eyes and kept them closed as they moved to the sides more and his pupils became silted and turned a light purple color. He opened his eyes slowly and looked at himself and smiled widely.

"Wow this is awesome!" he exclaimed.

Sarika smiled at this as she nuzzled him gently on the head and said, "You look so cute like that."

Mark smiled and replied, "Thank you!"

Sarika kept on smiling as she raised her head some. She was glad that Mark didn't turn into a dragoness. As soon as she thought of this though, Mark started to feel a bit different.

"Ugh. I feel weird," Mark said.

"What do you mean Mark." she said and started to get a bit worried.

"I don't know!" he answered, sounding a bit sick, "Ohh..."

The changes started as his organs started to rearrange and his throat started to feel a bit different as well. The changes continued as he slowly started to become a kid dragoness and his manhood slowly disappeared as a small slit appeared. Mark just fell to the ground as this was happening and continued to feel sick. Sarika was starting to get really worried as she knew what was happening. She knew that Mark was now a dragoness instead of a dragon like she wanted to be the night before.

"Oohh..." Mark whined, her voice a bit weak.

"Are you okay now." she asked as she lowered her head and nuzzled her lightly.

"Wh-what?" Mark started to say before her eyes widened, "What happened to my voice? What happened to my...?"

Sarika sighs some as she says, "You're a dragoness now."

Mark looked up at her, and sighed. "A-a girl?" she asked.

"Yes, you're a girl now Mark." she said.

Mark sniffled a bit and looked at the ground.

Sarika started to feel sorry for Mark as she lied down beside her and put a wing over her. She soon nuzzled her again lightly and started to sing the same song that Anthea sung to her a few days ago when she was sad.

Mark looked up at Sarika and sniffled again.

"Now I have cooties!" she told her.

Sarika giggled at this as she stopped singing and nuzzled her again and said, "Well, look on the bright side. Now you can give cooties as well."

"Really?" Mark asked.

"Yes really, now we just have to think of a new name for you as well." she said smiling softly.

"A new name?" Mark tilted her head, "Why?"

"Well, when I came here, I had to pick out a new name and so did Anthea, plus I don't think that Mark would be a good name for a dragoness now." she said.

"Oh yeah," Mark agreed.

"Okay, now to come up with a new name for you." she said and started thinking.

Mark nodded and waited.

"I don't know what I should be called now," she admitted.

Sarika soon came up with a name for her and said, "How about Elah."

"Elah?" Mark asked.

"Yes, that sounds like a perfect name for you." she said.

Mark thought for a moment and looked up at Sarika, "Okay. I guess now I'm Elah then."

"Yes you are. Now why don't we go back out and show your parents Elah." she said and got back up.

"Okay," the newly named Elah replied, "I just hope they aren't going to be mad."

"So do I Elah. Now why don't you try standing and walking." she said.

Elah nodded and stood up her legs a bit wobbly.

Sarika just smiled at this as she watched Elah stand up and said, "Now try taking a step."

"Okay," she replied and reached out with her right front paw.

Sarika kept smiling as she watched Elah take a step and she soon fell down on the ground with a small thud.

"Oof!" Elah sort of shouted out.

Sarika giggled lightly at this and lowered her head. She then proceeded to grab Elah by the nape of her neck and lifted her off the ground. She turned her head lightly and put Elah onto her back and smiled some.

"I think it's nicer on your back," she told Sarika.

"Thank you Elah, now you stay there and I'll carry you out okay." she said and nuzzled her gently.

Elah giggled and was actually surprised to, and then replied, "Okay."

Sarika smiled lightly and started walking towards the entrance of where they came from. She was glad that Elah was happy with her new form and the fact that she was now a dragoness. She started thinking of how Elah's parents would take the fact that Elah turned into a dragoness even though she and Aldric told them that it was a strong possibility that it would happen. After walking for a few minutes, they got to the entrance of the cave and saw Elah's parents standing at the entrance.

"Hi mom! Hi dad!" Elah called out.

Elah's parents looked up and saw Sarika walking out and a little purple dragoness riding on her back. Elah's mom walked up to them and looked at her and said, "Mark is that really you."

"Yep, and it's Elah now," she told her mother.

Tears started to form in her eyes as she continued looking at Elah and Elah's dad walked up to her mom and hugged her and said, "It's going to be okay. We were told that this might happen honey."

"What's wrong?" Elah asked her parents, she showed a face of great concern.

Her mom looked up at her as tears were running down her face and said, "It's just that we lost a son and now have a daughter."

"But you still love me, right?" Elah asked.

"Yes we do, we were just hoping that the cave wouldn't have turned you into a dragoness." her dad said.

Elah blinked a bit and thought for a moment, "But why would you hope that I wouldn't?"

"Nothing Elah, we were just hoping that we would still have a son, but we still love you the way you are now." her mom said

Elah smiled a bit and reached out to nuzzle her parents, "Thank you."

"Careful Elah, you're still on my back. Let me put you down on the ground first." Sarika said.

She then turned her neck around and grabbed Elah by the nape of her neck and lifted her off of her neck and gently placed her on the ground in front of her parents.

Elah stood up, a bit of wobbling but she had gotten used to the feel of four legs and looked up at her parents who had squatted down to meet with her level. They hugged her and while doing so, she nuzzled the both of them happily.

Aldric smiled softly at this and walked over to Sarika and nuzzled her gently and said, "I take it that she took it well."

"She did, after a bit of talking," Sarika replied, "Although I think the thing that bothered her most was having cooties."

"Really, and what did you tell her." he said and chuckled some.

"I told her that even if she has them, she can give them around," Sarika giggled, "I guess after that she was pretty much acceptable of her new form.

"That's good, now her parents should go in so that they could change." Aldric said.

"Okay," Sarika then managed to give out a giggle, "And don't forget about my sister!"

"Yes, who may end up your brother." he said and chuckled again.

"Well, we can't keep everyone waiting, let's go," Sarika told him.

The two of them looked over at Elah and her parents and Aldric said, "Okay, I think that the two of you should go into the cave together."

Elah nodded vigorously and agreed, "Yep!"

Elah's parents looked at each other for a few minutes. Her dad looked at Aldric and said, "Is the same thing that happened to Elah going to happen to us."
"No, things like that happen only to those who have not had offspring, at least to the best of my knowledge," he answered.

"That's good to hear, so we just have to walk into the cave and we'll transform, right." Elah's mom said.

"Yes, and it might be painful for you, but nothing you can't handle," Aldric told them.

"Aldric, I think it would be a good idea if you came as well this time." Sarika said.

"Why?" Aldric asked.

"Well, since they're both going in at the same time, they'll both probably going to be needing help standing up and walking at first." she said.

"Oh, right," Aldric nodded, "Well let's go in then."

Sarika smiled softly at this as she turned towards the cave and started walking towards it with Aldric. Elah's parents got up and followed them into the cave. They were still a bit worried about being transformed into dragons but they wanted to be happy and have their daughter, Elah, happy as well. They held hands and continued following Sarika and Aldric further into the cave.

"Not too far now," Aldric told them, "anytime now."

"Okay," they both said at the same time.

"Now all we have to do is walk a bit ahead and then wait," Aldric told them.

They continued walking for another minute and Sarika and Aldric stopped and Sarika turned some and said, "Okay, this is a good spot."

Aldric nodded and they both looked over at Elah's parents to see the transformation begin.

Elah's parents looked at each other and her dad went a bit wide eyed when he saw white scales starting to grow on his wife's hands and said, "Honey, your hands."

"Hm?" she looked down and gasped at the sight.

She saw white scales starting to appear all over her hands and they were starting to crawl up her arms. She just watched in awe as she could start to feel her sleeves starting to get tight against her arms as her muscles started to grow in size as well. She could feel the pain of this happening as her nails started to move to the tips of her fingers as they became white claws. The scales than reached her shoulders as the spread down her sides and her back. White breastplates started to form on her chest and move down her stomach as her chest flattens slightly and her upper body expands slightly with muscle as her shirt started to get tight. She closed her eyes as she could feel the pain of the scales appearing on her and kept her mind focused on Elah so that she wouldn't scream out in pain. The scales started to spread down her legs and when they reached her feet, they started to feel tight against her shoes. Her shoes than burst into shreds as her feet turned into paws and her nails slowly turns into claws as well. She could feel her pants starting to get tight as her leg muscles start to expand as well. She started to feel pressure on her tailbone as it starts to lengthen. A small bulge soon appears under her pants and started to grow as she heard a distinctive rip. She looked behind her and saw a long tail appear and her pants fell to the ground in shreds. She started to blush some and stopped as she felt pressure on her back. Two arm like appendages rip through her shirt as it falls to the floor in shreds. The fingers lengthen as a white membrane starts to grow in between them. She soon lost her balance and fell on all fours as her arms and legs repositioned themselves for a quadruped stance. Her arms became forelegs as her hands became paws. The scales started to go up her neck as she started to feel her neck lengthen. She let out a small scream when this happened and soon felt two white horns come out of her head. Her hair soon disappeared as well as she painfully felt white spikes appear on her neck and go down to the tip of her tail. Her head continued to hurt as she felt her skull break apart. Her nose fused with her upper jaw as her face pushed out into a long muzzle. Two nostrils appeared on the end of her muzzle as it stopped growing.  She felt her old teeth fall out as new sharper teeth grew in and her tongue lengthened as well and became forked. She felt her eyes start to sting as she closed them and felt them move to the sides slightly. Her eyes became silted as they changed colors to an unearthly turquoise color. She just fell onto the ground breathing a bit heavily and felt another rush of pain go throughout her body. She gasped again as she started to grow in size and after a couple of minutes, she stopped growing and was the same size as Nereus and Minali. She stayed on the floor breathing heavily and kept her eyes closed.

Elah's father just gasped at the sight, it was unbelievable at what happened to his wife. He rubbed his eyes and even blinked a few times and yet he knew it was real. He walked up to his wife and placed a hand onto her neck.

"Dear," he started, "You, you look amazing!"

She groaned lightly as she slowly opened her eyes and lifted her head and weakly said, "Y-Yes, I'm fine dear."

"And rather breathtaking I might add," he told her.

She started to blush lightly at this and said, "Really."

"Of course," he replied, smiling.

She smiled softly and tried to stand up on all fours but her legs were wobbly and she fell back to the ground with a thud.

"Ow." she cried out.

"It's okay, dear," he said, "I thought you did good for a first try."

She smiled softly as she lifted her head and looked at her husband. She gasped some as she saw teal scales starting to form on his hands and said, "Honey, look at your hands."

"What is it?" He looked down and saw his transformation was about to start to, he looked up at his wife and smiled a bit, "I'll be with you in a sec."

She smiled at this and lowered her head back onto the ground to wait for her husband to turn into a dragon.

He breathed in and out and awaited the transformation to continue.

The teal scales started to cover his hands fully as his nails moved to the tips of his fingers and became turquoise blue claws. The scales started to go up his arms and he groaned some as he could feel his muscles start to grow in size and his sleeves started to feel tight. The scales reached his shoulders and started to spread down his back and sides. Teal colored breastplates started to grow on his chest and spread down his stomach. he continued to groan as his upper body started to grow in size some as well and his shirt was starting to get tighter. The scales started to spread down his legs and when they got to his feet, they started to feel tight against his shoes. They exploded to shreds as his feet grew bigger and became paws. His nails moved to the end of his feet and became turquoise colored claws. His pants started to get tight as well as his leg muscles started to grow. He started to feel pressure on his tailbone as it started to lengthen. He looked behind himself and saw a lump appear underneath his pants and heard a distinct ripping sound. He went a bit wide eyed as he saw a long tail grow out and his pants fell to the ground in shreds. He lost his balance as he fell forward on all fours and his arms and legs repositioned themselves for a quadruped stance. His arms became his forelegs as he hands turned into paws. He started to feel pressure on his back as two arm like appendages burst through his shirt and it fell to the ground in shreds. The fingers started to elongate as a teal colored membrane started to grow in between them. The scales started to crawl up his neck started to lengthen. He closed his eyes as this was happening as the pain was starting to get worse. He felt pressure in his head as two turquoise horns came out of the back of his head and his hair disappeared. He then felt turquoise spikes appear on his neck as they go down to the tip of his tail. He started to feel pressure build up in his face as well as his skull cracked some and his nose fused with his upper jaw. His face started to push out into a muzzle as two nostrils appeared on the end of it. His teeth fell out of his mouth as his muzzle stopped growing and new sharper teeth grew in. His tongue flattened some and became forked on the end. His eyes started to sting as well as they moved to the sides slightly. His pupils became silted and became an unearthly medium blue in color. He fell onto the ground and breathed heavily as he started to feel another rush of pain go through him. He started growing as well and after about a minute, he was as big as Nereus and Minali as well. He stayed on the ground and breathed a bit heavily as he kept his eyes closed.

"Dear, you look magnificent!" his wife complimented.

He opened his eyes slowly and lifted his head up off the ground and smiled weakly and said, "Thank you dear."

"Now all you two need to do is learn to walk on all fours and we're good to go," Aldric told the two of them as he walked up to them with Sarika by his side.

Sarika walked up by her aunt and helped her up onto her paws and had her lean on her slightly and said, "Wow, you and Uncle Tyler are as big as Aldric's mom and dad, Aunt Grace."

"Really?" she asked, "I wouldn't think so."

"Well, you two are certainly bigger than Aldric and me." she said and smiled.

Sarika's aunt smiled and then said, "Well, we'd better learn to walk; I want to be able to see Elah's expression when she sees us walk on all fours."

"Yes and to see that you're bigger than me." she said and giggled lightly.

"Heh, you're right, so, what should we know about?" her aunt asked.

"Well, it's kinda hard to explain, all you have to do is try to make sure that you have two legs moving at the same time when you take a step, that way you don't fall. Plus your tail helps you keep your balance." Sarika said.

Her aunt and uncle nodded and they both stood up, carefully following their niece's instructions they took a few baby steps forward. Although it did take a while for them to get the hang of it, they soon were able to walk without any help at all.

"This is great," Sarika's uncle exclaimed.

Sarika smiled happily at this and said, "Just wait until you learn how to fly."

Her aunt and uncle looked at each other, they then looked back at Sarika and her uncle replied, "I think that's more than I can handle..."

"I'm sure you'll be able to handle it Uncle Tyler. Besides, you'll have to teach Elah how to fly when she gets older." Sarika said.

"Right!" her uncle replied, "For Elah."

"But we'll wait on the flying lessons when we get to our new home okay. Right now we need to have the others come in here and change." Sarika said.

"Oh, right," her uncle responded, "Well, Grace, let's go out and show everyone."

"Yes Tyler, I can't wait to see the expression on our daughter's face when she sees us." she said and nuzzled him.

He smiled at her and they both headed back to the entrance, Sarika and Aldric following right behind.

Elah and the others were waiting outside the cave for them and Anthea was helping her learn how to walk on all fours. She was getting the hang of it and was soon running all over the place smiling and laughing. They soon heard footsteps coming from inside the cave and Elah turned her attention towards the cave and saw two very large dragons come out of the cave followed by Sarika and Aldric. Her jaw dropped when she saw the two dragons and was surprised that they were bigger than Aldric and Sarika.

"Mom? Dad?" she gasped in surprise.

Her mom smiled lovingly as she walked over to Elah. She lowered her head and nuzzled her lovingly and said, "Yes Elah, it's us."

"You're both huge!" She exclaimed.

"Yes we know Elah, Sarika says that we're as big as Aldric's parents, but I'm sure we're not that big yet." her dad said and walked over to the two of them.

"You're still huge looking to me!" Elah replied.

Her mom giggled at this and kept on nuzzling Elah lovingly. She was glad that they were still a family and that Elah was taking this all well. She was still a bit worried that she and Tyler still had to learn how to fly and teach Elah how to fly when she got older. But she didn't care about that right now.

"Well, who else is up?" Aldric called out, "We can't be doing this all day."

Aldric and Sarika took taking everybody into the cave to change into dragons. Her parents were went in first and came out a little bit later as dragons and they were as big as Elah's parents. Sarika's mom was orange in color while her dad was grey in color. Elah gasped when she saw them and Anthea smiled as she walked up to them and nuzzled the two of them. Minali took her brother and sister into the cave next with their spouses and Nereus went in with them. After a few minutes passed by and Nereus and Minali came back out with four dragons following behind them. They were as big as Minali and Nereus and were smiling. Jake was silver in color with dark blue claws, spikes and horns. Emily was black in color with white claws, horns, and spikes. Jake's wife was pink in color with white claws, spikes, and horns. And Emily's husband was yellow in color with white claws, spikes, and horns. Everybody was smiling at this and Sarika looked over at Brittany.

"Okay Brittany, it's your turn." she said.

"Ooh, can I come? Can I come?" Elah blurted in, still keeping much of the energy she had when she was human, "I wanna see Brittany change!"

Sarika giggled at this and said, "If it's okay with your mom Elah."

"Mom! Mom! Can I go and watch Brittany change? Please?" she asked, acting very much like a boy, "Please oh please oh please?"

She looked over at Tyler and sighed some and said, "Well Tyler, should we let her go in with Sarika and Brittany."

Elah's father thought for a moment and looked down at his daughter, "Well, if she really wants to..."

"Yay! Thanks dad!" she exclaimed and practically pranced over to Sarika and Brittany, "Come on let's go!"

Sarika giggled at this as she saw Elah prancing over to her. She looked over at Brittany and nodded some and turned around and started for the cave with Elah. Brittany gulped some as she started following the two of them into the cave. She had hoped that she would turn into a dragoness and not a dragon and was thinking about this the whole time.

"You feeling good Brittany?" Sarika asked her sister.

"I'm just nervous is all? I mean, Mark goes in as a boy and comes out as a little dragoness named Elah, and I'm afraid that I'll probably turn into a dragon instead of a dragoness." she said.

"Brittany, you won't turn into a dragon," Sarika replied, trying to stay cool about it, "I may have ended up as a dragoness as well as Anthea and Elah, but that doesn't mean you'll end up a dragon!"

"Hey, what's wrong with little dragonesses named Elah?" Elah interjected.

"Nothing Elah." Brittany said and laughed some as she looked down at her.

"There better not be!" she replied.

"Heh, it's funny, you may be a little dragoness but you're very much a boy," Sarika giggled.

"Yes, I guess she's somewhat of a tomboy now Sarika." Brittany added and giggled as well.

"Hey," Elah scowled at the both of them, "What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing Elah. It's just that you look cute like that now." Brittany said.

Elah kept silent and then looked up at Sarika and asked, "So when is she going to change?"

"Any minute now Elah, we're almost there." she said.

Elah nodded and looked up at Brittany, to spot out if she had started her change yet.

Sarika stopped and looked at Brittany and smiled some as she started to see golden scales start to appear on Brittany's hands.

"Hm? What's up?" Brittany asked her.

"Look at your hands." she said.

Brittany did so and her eyes widen as some golden scales were spreading upon her hands.

"Yay it's starting!" Elah exclaimed moving back a little.

Brittany was still wide eyed as the scales covered her hands completely and her nails moved to the tips of her fingers and became white claws. They started moving up her arms as she groaned a bit as her arm muscles started to grow and her sleeves became tighter. The scales reached her shoulders and started to spread down her side and back. Golden breastplates started to form on her chest as it shrank slightly as the breastplates spread down her stomach. Her shirt got a bit tight as well as the scales spread down her legs. When they got to her feet, they started to feel tight against her shoes and they tore into shreds as her feet grew and became paws and her nails went to the ends of her toes and became white claws. She started to feel pressure on her tailbone as it started to grow. She heard a distinct ripping sound and looked behind her and saw a long tail appear behind her and her pants fell to the ground in shreds. She lost her balance as she fell forward on all fours as her arms and legs shifted position. Her arms became her forelegs as her hands became paws. She started to feel pain in her back as two arm like appendages tore through the back of her shirt and it fell to the ground in shreds. The fingers lengthened as a gold membrane formed between them. The scales crawled up her neck as her neck started to lengthen as well. She yelped as she felt a pain in the back of her head as two horns came out and she lost her hair as well. Her head started to hurt as it cracked as well. Her nose fused with her upper jaw as her face pushed out into a muzzle and two nostrils appeared on the end. Her teeth fell out as new sharper teeth appeared and her tongue flattened and became forked at the end. Her eyes stung as they moved to the sides some and her pupils became silted and the color of her eyes became golden as well. She fell to the ground in exhaustion as she started to grow in size and became as big as Sarika. She just lied there for a few minutes breathing heavily.

"Hey, Sarika," Elah looked up at her, "She's bigger than you!"

"Huh? Wh-what?" Brittany huffed out, "How can that be?"

"I don't really know Brittany." she said and walked over to her.

"Right, well, I guess it's over," Brittany said as she got up slowly from the ground.

As Brittany got up from the ground; she started to feel a bit different and couldn't explain why.

"Ugh," she groaned a bit, "I don't feel too well."

"What's wrong Brittany." Sarika asked.

"I don't know, I feel, ugh," she slumped over a bit, "Ohh."

The feeling intensified as her reproductive organs started to shift positions and changed and her throat started to get sore as well.

"Brittany? Are you okay?" Elah asked.

"Ohh, what's happening?" Brittany asked aloud, her voice seeming to deepen at the last word.

Sarika giggled lightly as she knew what was happening. Brittany was turning from a dragoness to a dragon.

"Sarika what's happening to her?" Elah asked.

"Ohh," Brittany's voice was definitely deepening by the second.

"She's turning into a dragon Elah." Sarika said.

"You mean a boy?" Elah asked.

"Yes, that's exactly what I mean." she said and smiled.

"What!?" Brittany roared, her voice deepened enough, "You sad I wasn't going to be a dragon!"

She slumped again, still changing.

"We weren't sure if you were going to change into one Brittany." Sarika said.

Brittany however could not talk at the moment, the changes were still happening.

The changes ended after about a minute and he was now a fully fledged dragon and he started to cry some.

"Th-this isn't fair!" he cried, "I don't wanna be a guy!"

"It's okay Brittany," Elah told her, "I was like that, when I didn't want to be a girl."

Sarika walked up to Brittany and tried her best to comfort him. "Yeah Brittany, everything will be okay."

Brittany sniffed a bit, "You sure?"

"Yes I'm sure. I mean, Anthea and I got turned into dragoness's remember." she said smiling softly.

"Yeah," Brittany agreed, "I guess you're right..."

Sarika continues smiling and says, "Plus Elah was afraid of cooties here when she turned into one."

"Cooties?" Brittany looked over at Elah.

"Yes cooties. She didn't want them." Sarika said.

Brittany chuckled at this, "Really?"

"Yes, than I calmed her down by telling her that she can give them to others." she said and giggled.

With those words, Elah walked up to Brittany and tagged him.

She giggled and told him, "Now you have cooties!"

"Oh no! Not cooties!" Brittany yelled in an obvious fake tone.

Sarika giggled as Elah did this and walked over to them and said, "We should go back out now, but first we have to come up with a new name for you Brittany." Sarika said.

"Great," Brittany shrugged.

Sarika giggled again and started thinking of a new name for her brother.

"Mmm, I think I got an idea!" Elah said aloud.

"And what would that be Elah." Sarika said as she looked at her.

"I don't know if you'd like it," Elah said, lowering her head.

"Don't worry Elah, you can tell us." Sarika said and lowered her head to look at Elah.

"Okay," Elah replied and looked over at Brittany and then looked at Sarika, she then answered, "How about Salis?"

Sarika giggled some at this a she looked at her brother and said, "I think that sounds good."

"Really?" Elah's eyes seemed to shine brightly.

"Yes, now if only Salis here likes it." she said smiling.

With a sigh, he accepted, "Fine, it's a good name. Thanks Elah."

Elah suddenly pounced onto the newly named Salis and hugged him, gleefully shouting, "Yay!"

Sarika giggled at this and looked at Salis smiling. "Well bro, shall we head back now."

"I can't believe I'm saying this but," Salis started, "okay, sis."

Sarika giggled at this and lowered her head and picked Elah up by the nape of her neck and placed her on Salis's back. "There, now you can give him all the cooties you want Elah."

"Yay!" Elah squealed and rubbed her tail on his back and even dug her muzzle on it too.

"Good going, Sarika, now she'll never leave me be unless I have her cooties," Salis joked.

"I know Salis," she replied giggling, "Now let's get going okay."

"Fine," Salis shrugged and headed off to the entrance with his sister and cousin.

Their parents were busy talking with each other while Anthea was lying on the ground by herself trying to get some more sleep. Talmon and Kyran were busy talking with their parents and their two aunts and uncles now and were laughing some. Anthea lifted her head when she started to hear someone coming towards the cave entrance.

"Mom, dad, I think they're coming back out." she said as she got back up.

The distant noise in the cave soon became louder, soon making themselves known, Sarika, Salis and Elah appeared from the cave's depth.

"I wonder how the others will react at my new form," Salis replied to Sarika who he was having a conversation with along the way.

"I don't know Salis, but apparently Elah likes your new form." she said and giggled.

"Yeah, only because she loves giving me cooties!" Salis said half-jokingly.

"I know Salis, why don't we just let her have her fun okay." Sarika said as they get to the entrance of the cave.

"Fine, fine," Salis replied, looking over and seeing the other dragons standing near the entrance.

Sarika sees them standing there as well and sees Anthea standing in front of them. She smiled widely as they got closer and said, "Anthea, meet our brother, Salis."

Anthea's eyes widened but soon she just started going in fits of laughter.

"Not that funny you know," Salis replied, calm and coolly.

"Well, to us it is Salis." Anthea said as she continued giggling and fell onto her side.

Salis could only sigh and he looked over at the others to see their reaction.

Talmon and Kyran were both laughing quietly as well at this while the others were all staring a bit wide eyed at Salis. They couldn't believe that he was Brittany when he went in there earlier.

Salis could only sigh and he muttered, "Guess no one really does anything but gloat and stare I guess."

"I guess so Salis, or in Elah's case, give you cooties." Sarika said and started giggling again.

Salis sighed once again, "Whatever."

Aldric chuckled some as he walked up to Salis and Sarika and saw Elah on Salis's back. He chuckled again as he lowered his head some towards her and said, "And just what are you up to Elah."

"Giving him cooties!" Elah squealed, "Lots and lots of cooties!"

Her dad chuckled at this as he walked up to them as well. He lowered his head and picked Elah up by the nape of her neck and placed her on his back and said, "Okay, I think you gave Salis enough cooties for today Elah."

"Aww," Elah whined.

"Don't worry Elah, you can give him more once we get to our new home." he said and nuzzled her as best as he could.

"Yay!" Elah squealed happily.

Everybody started to laugh at this as Salis looked away and shrugged some. He couldn't believe that his uncle would let Elah cling to him still when they would get to their new home.

Anthea looked over to see him and showed some concern, she walked over to her brother and whispered, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing Anthea, it's just that Elah will most likely be glomping me every single day and trying to give me cooties." he whispered back.

"And what's wrong with that? She's only a child," Anthea replied.

"I know that she's only a child Anthea. But ever since I turned into a dragon, she focused me out." he whispered.

"Well maybe it's because she really likes you as a cousin," Anthea suggested.

"Maybe Anthea." he said.

"And maybe because she can relate to you," Anthea told him, "I mean, she saw you being transformed and she was too, not long before that."

"Yeah, don't remind me about it Anthea, and who was transformed so that she could learn a lesson." he said as he looked at Anthea.

"And so what?" Anthea looked at him, obviously still remembering why she had become a dragoness in the first place.

"And from what I heard, Talmon already has a crush on you and Sarika and Aldric are already mates." he said as he looked away some.

"So?" Anthea blushed a bit at the mentioning of this.

"So, what if it's true that he wants to be mates with you, huh." he said and started smiling some.

Anthea blushed even more, but found a good retort to this, "Well I'm sure Kyran might see the same in you!"

Salis went wide eyed at this and practically fell over on his side with a very loud thud. He couldn't believe that Anthea had said this about Kyran. He was just turned into a dragon moments ago and his sister was saying that Kyran would most likely see a potential mate in him.

Everyone turned their head to Salis who was now on the ground. There was a bit of questioning looks among from the small group.

"What happened here?" Sarika asked, walking up to the two of them.

"Oh nothing much Sarika. I just made him eat his own words some." Anthea said smiling.

"Oh, how so?" Sarika asked, smirking.

"Oh, I just told him that maybe Kyran might see a potential mate in him." she said.

Sarika giggled at this and took a glance at Salis, "She might be onto something Salis."

Salis went even more wide eyed at this as he looked at his two sisters. He was starting to get really nervous about this and started sweating. He was really hoping that they were joking about Kyran seeing a potential mate in him. He gulped some as he started to think that they may have a point about Kyran though and looked over at her.

Sarika noticed him looking at her and giggled, "Already taking an interest in her?"

"What! No, I..." he was starting to stutter at this and was getting even more worried.

Sarika giggled and looked over to Anthea and half-jokingly said, "Our little brother has a crush!"

"Sarika!" he practically yelled when she said this.

The others in the small group gave some rather surprised stares at Salis, wondering why he would just shout out his sister's name.

"Salis, what's wrong?" Elah suddenly butted.

"N-Nothing Elah, it's just that Sarika and Anthea here are making fun of me as usual." he said as he started to get up.

"Why would they do that?" Elah asked, flashing a rather annoyed look at Sarika and Anthea.

"Because they just like to Elah." he said as he was starting to turn some and didn't notice Kyran there.

"Hello there," Kyran said simply.

"Huh." Salis turned his head around and accidentally kissed Kyran on the muzzle and went completely wide eyed.

Kyran's eyes went wide eye as well, they both stared at each other for a moment before breaking the kiss. She shook her head and said, "Well, that was unexpected."

Salis shook his head as well as he looked away blushing some and said. "Y-Yes it was."

Anthea and Sarika in the meanwhile where giggling at this. However, not knowing any better Elah made a face and went, "Ewwwww!"

"Very funny you two. And I'm betting you two blushed as well when Talmon and Aldric first kissed you." he said as he looked away and started to grumble some.

His two sisters fell quiet, and looked at each other then back at Salis.

"The question is if you liked it Salis," Sarika pointed out.

Another sound of disgust came from Elah.

"Can you two please stop that. I was just turned into a dragon a little bit ago and now you're joking around and asking if I liked the kiss." he said and started blushing again.

"Fine, okay, we'll stop," Sarika replied, "Just stop blushing about it."

He started blushing even more at this and kept on looking away. He didn't want to admit it to them, but he kinda did like the kiss that happened between him and Kyran. If he did, they would only giggle some more at it and he didn't know if Kyran liked the kiss as well. He looked up as he stopped blushing.

"Um, so when are we going to get going to our new home." he asked.

"Oh, right," Sarika then turned to Aldric and asked, "Are we going now then?"

"Yes we are Sarika." he said and smiled.

She smiled back at him and then looked around and called out, "Everyone ready?"

They all nodded and Salis got up and nodded as well. He was glad that the subject was finally off of him for a change.

"Okay then, one at a time then," Aldric called out, he turned to his mother and father, "You two first, then your brother and sister, Elah and her parents, Sarika's parents, Talmon and Salis..."

Sarika then whispered something in his ear.

"Oh wait, it's going to be Talmon and Anthea, Sarika and I, then Kyran and Salis!" Aldric said.

"What!" Salis said wide eyed as he looked at Aldric, "But why m-me and Kyran."

Aldric then replied with a simple, "Why not?"

"Sarika, you just don't give up do you." Salis said as he looked at her.

Sarika simply giggled, "I have no idea what you're talking about Salis."

"Yes you do Sarika. You're trying to set me and Kyran up, aren't you." he said.

Sarika could see it was her and Aldric's turn into the cave, she was thankful at how fast and seemingly discreet the others were to enter. "Oops, sorry gotta talk to you later Salis!" she replied as she walked into the cave with Aldric.

"Sarika, we're not finished, you hear me!" he practically yelled and looked over at Kyran and blushed lightly.

"Well come on then," she told him, smiling a bit, "don't wanna keep them waiting."

"I-I guess not." he said and started walking into the cave with her slowly.

She giggled a bit and joked, "Just don't turn your head too fast around in there, I don't think you'd like to make contact with my muzzle again."

He started to blush madly at this and looked down at the ground. He couldn't believe that Kyran was doing this as well and started to hear Sarika giggle up ahead of them.

"Don't worry Salis, I'm kidding," she told him, "Just surprised about that, unexpected kiss."

"So was I Kyran, and I think that my sister is trying to set us up." he said and kept on blushing.

Kyran smirked a bit, and then asked, "And how do you feel about that?"

"I-I." he started to stutter as he tried to find the right words, "I guess I f-feel fine. I mean, when we kissed, I don't know what happened, but I liked."

"You did, huh?" Kyran smiled at his expression, "Well, I liked it too."

"Really?" he said as he looked at her.

She nodded, "Yes."

Salis smiled weakly at this and blushed again. He looked forward as they continued walking through the cave to their new home. Maybe Sarika and Anthea were a bit right about Kyran having a crush on him now. Maybe they would end up as mates. He chuckled lightly as he thought of that and also of the thought of Talmon and Anthea being mates some time down the road.
here's chapter 5 of the collab with :iconawesomedragondude: Please comment and fave his.
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