
The Dragon Crew Part 10

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Jeff was starting to wake up with a groan as he slowly opened up his eyes to see everybody staring at him and smiling. He looked around and saw his mom and Rachael smiling and also noticed Tommy’s parents and Tina’s parent were there also.

“How are you feeling Jeff,” his dad said.

“I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck and a 747. Where the heck am I,” Jeff said.

“In the hospital,” his mom said.

“At least he hasn’t lost his sense of humor yet,” Matt said smiling.

“How long was I out….gaaah,” he said as he started to sit up, but went back down from the pain he felt.

“Easy son, you were out for about five hours, you are a very lucky man to survive such damage,” the doctor said as he came into the room.

“What do you mean,” Jeff said weakly.

“You have four broken ribs and a broken arm,” his dad said.

“Now I remember, what time is it anyway,” Jeff said as he looked at his left arm and saw it in a cast.

“It’s a little past 9:00 right now,” Rachael said.

“Welcome back Jeff, glad you survived that little trip, but next time, try to make sure that you’re closer to the ground before you jump through a portal,” Tommy said.

“Thanks a lot Tommy, but it was kind of hard to calculate while having an angry fire breathing dragon breathing down your neck,” Jeff said smiling weakly.

“Hey you’re the math expect, don’t you work best under pressure,” Tommy said smiling and they all laughed.

“Ow, please don’t make me laugh, I’m still sore from what happened, by the way what did happen,” Jeff said.

“Don’t you remember after you came through the portal,” Jake said.

“No I don’t, all I remember is flying through the portal and a familiar face, and then waking up here,” Jeff said.

“Same here,” Tommy said.

“Well, you can all tell them tomorrow, these two need to get their rest and visiting hour is over,” the doctor said.

They all said okay and left the room after saying goodbye to Jeff and Tommy. Jeff’s mom and Tommy’s mom kissed them both on the forehead and Tina and Rachael just kissed them on the cheek. They both started blushing when this happened and everybody started laughing at the sight of this. When they left, the doctor told them to get some sleep and that he’ll be in to check on them in the morning. He turned the light off and closed the door. Tommy and Jeff just closed their eyes and just fell asleep. While Jeff was sleeping, he started to feel like he was being pulled someplace and couldn’t tell where he was going. He soon woke up on barren ground and got up and looked around. As he was looking around, he was getting an odd feeling that he had been there before. Soon enough it came back to him in a flash.

“Great, just great, I’m back in this stupid place again and I’m all alone. I’m just glad that Rachael doesn’t have to go through this,” Jeff said as he put his hand on his forehead and noticed that he was feeling better.

“Well at least in here, I’m not wounded, that’s a plus,” Jeff said.

As he was looking around, he didn’t notice the figure standing in the fog behind him. It looked like the shape of an anthro dragon and was walking towards Jeff as he was looking around. Jeff didn’t notice the dragon until it was right behind him. The dragon walked up behind Jeff and put his hand on his shoulder. Jeff reacted to this by grabbing the hand and flipping the dragon over him and the dragon landed with a loud thud and gravel was sent flying everywhere. Jeff went into a fighting stance after he did that and was waiting for the dragon to make a move. The dragon let out a low groan and Jeff immediately recognized the voice.

“Tommy is that you?” Jeff asked as he stood up and walked over to him.

“Yeah it’s me, did you really have to do that, I’m still sore from our last fight,” Tommy said as he started to get up.

“Sorry about that, you surprised me when you put your hand on my shoulder. What are you doing here anyway?” Jeff said as he helped Tommy up.

“I don’t know, one minute I’m falling asleep in the hospital, the next minute I’m here, as I was looking around, I saw you and just wanted to see if you’re alright, besides where are we,” Tommy said as he put his claws up in the air.

“It’s the place that Rachael and I went to when we were knocked out, this is where we met Arnon’s parents and that one evil dragon mind that tried to take over Rachael’s mind,” Jeff said.

“Seriously, so that’s what happened to her, I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that we might run into someone that I know,” Tommy said worriedly.

“And who is that,” Jeff said and they started to hear laughing coming from everywhere.

“Him,” Tommy said.

They started looking around to see where the laughing was coming from and noticed the fog around starting to congeal in one spot. They watched this happen as two purple eyes opened up and was looking right at them. As the fog was forming into a dragon, Jeff and Tommy started backing up some. As soon as the fog was done congealing they saw Erebus standing in front of them and looking right at them, smiling sinisterly.

“I take it that must be the dragon that took control of me,” Jeff said.

“Yessss I am, my name is Erebussss, I wassss ssssurprissssed that you were able to take your body back,” he said angrily as he looked right at Jeff.

“That’s right, you may have taken over my body, but not my mind and soul, so sorry about that, but Bethuel protected me from that part,” Jeff said smiling.

“Now who is Bethuel,” Tommy asked.

“Arnon’s dad,” Jeff simply said.

“Oh that’s right, well at least you can call him something instead of Arnon’s dad all the time,” Tommy said.

“Enough of thissss, now I’m going to take care of both of you,” Erebus said as he breathed a stream of black fire at them.

“Oh great,” they both said and tried to protect themselves.

As the fire reached them, two lights appeared in front of them and blocked the fire. Jeff knew that one of them was Bethuel but didn’t know who the other one was. As the lights faded Jeff recognized Bethuel in front of him but tried to guess who the other dragon beside Bethuel was. The dragon was the same size as Bethuel but was green and was covered in red marks all over its body. They both looked back at Tommy and Jeff and just smiled. They both just smiled back as the two dragons looked back at Erebus.

“Sorry Erebus, but no one is going to die, not today, not ever,” Bethuel said.

“That boy belongs to me Bethuel, not you anymore,” Erebus said.

“No he doesn’t, and you are not getting this dragon either,” the green dragon said.

“Fine, I will alwayssss be here, ssssooner or later, I will take control again, mind, body, and ssssoul,” Erebus said and disappeared in a flash of light and was laughing.

Bethuel and the green dragon turned around and soon looked down at Jeff and Tommy. From what they saw, both dragons were about the same size as Erebus, give or take a few feet. The dragons just lied down and looked right at them.

“Thanks for saving us again, Bethuel,” Jeff said.

“Yeah, thanks a lot, both of you,” Tommy said.

“You’re welcome, and it is nice to finally talk to you Tommy,” Bethuel said.

“It’s nice to finally meet you also, but who is this dragon,” Tommy said as he pointed to the green dragon.

“My name is Ignatius, and I am the dragon soul that combined with yours,” he said.

“That’s a cool name, were you the one that helped me with Erebus,” Tommy said.

“Yes I am, I was glad to help get your cousin back as well as Bethuel,” Ignatius said.

“How do you know each other,” Jeff said.

“He is my younger brother,” Bethuel said.

“Really, that is so cool,” Tommy said.

“I guess it was fate that the two dragons that were brothers would end up fusing with two people that were cousins,” Jeff said.

“Yes it was,” Bethuel said.

While they were talking, a portal appeared beside them and Jeff and Tommy got up and said goodbye to them and got ready to walk through it.

“Jeff, Tommy there is one more thing that you need to know,” Bethuel said as they turned around.

“What’s that,” Jeff said.

“After I had saved you, there was another evil that I had sensed besides my son Karayan,” he said.

“That might’ve been Shyama,” Tommy said.

“No it wasn’t, this evil is far worse than Karayan and this Shyama,” Ignatius said.

“How bad and who is it,” Jeff said worried.

“Very bad, her name is Krenif and there is something you should know about her,” Bethuel said.

“And what’s that,” Tommy said.

“She is our sister and she was the first dragon to turn evil in our realm, she must have survived somehow and quietly followed us here to earth,” Ignatius said.

“YOUR SISTER!” Jeff yelled.

“Hey, Arnon and Alvarie told us about what happened, I guess we know who started it,” Tommy said.

“Yes, did he mention that the two of us and the other six dragons were called the eight dragons of legend,” Ignatius said.

“No, they didn’t get a chance to tell us that part, don’t worry Jeff, I’ll tell you all about it later,” Tommy said.

“Thanks Tommy,” Jeff said.

“There is something else we need to tell you before you leave,” Bethuel said.

“What’s that,” Jeff asked.

“When you two wake up, you need to go find two dragons named Aaron and Aster Wertz along with their friends,” Ignatius said and a picture of Aaron and Aster showed up behind them.

“Why them?” Tommy asked.

“These two have something that is very powerful, it is as powerful as the hidden power that you have Jeff,” Ignatius said.

“Okay, but why?” Jeff said.

“Because, our sister is after that power, she is also the one that infected Karayan with her own darkness, and please, do not tell anyone about this,” Bethuel said.

“That’s bad, well we’ll try to get to it as soon as possible, and we won’t tell anyone,” Tommy said as he and Jeff walked through the portal.

“Good luck,” Ignatius said.

The next thing they knew, they woke up the next morning in the same hospital room that they were in the night before. They just looked at each other and smiled some, pretty soon they started laughing some and Jeff had to stop because his chest was still sore from the fight with Karayan and Shyama. Tommy stretched some and a loud pop came from his tail and he just rubbed it some as Jeff laughed some more at the sight. Jeff asked Tommy how he was able to defeat Erebus and get him back to normal. Tommy explained that when Erebus had him pinned down to the ground, he started to feel a rush of energy from Ignatius and was able to use his wind attack on Erebus and was somehow able to control rock.

“That’s cool, but how did you get me back,” Jeff said.

“I remembered that promise that we made with Arnon and Alvarie and I guessed that Erebus and you shared the same memories and made him remember it and say that he remembers,” Tommy said.

“That’s why I was able to get back control of my body. That’s a very tricky way of getting me back by making me remember a promise we made,” Jeff said.

“Yeah, well I was playing it by ear,” Tommy said.

“Now where have I heard that before, well about Aaron and Aster, I think it might be easy to locate them,” Jeff said and they both just smiled.

“What do you mean,” Tommy said.

“Well, there’s this one place online where I know Aaron as dragonlover0011 and we known each other for a few years, I never expected that he was telling the truth about being a dragon, I always thought that he was joking and he thought the same about me. Plus he never told me that he had a brother,” Jeff said.

“That was a very risky move there Jeff, plus I think it was the crystal that he has,” Tommy said.

“You may be right,” Jeff said.

While they were talking about what happened, they heard the door open up and saw a familiar face walk inside. He was looking over Jeff’s and Tommy’s medical charts when he came in and looked up from them.

“Morning Jeff, morning Tommy,” the doctor said.

“Doctor Walker, what are you doing here,” Jeff asked surprised as he tried to sit up.

“Here let me help you with that,” Dr. Walker said as he walked over to Jeff’s bed and pushed a button to raise Jeff’s bed up to a sitting position.

“Morning Dr. Walker, what are you doing here,” Tommy said smiling.

“Jeff’s parents called me immediately after you got here. Since I’m the only doctor that knows a little bit on dragon anatomy, I came here as soon as possible,” Dr. Walker said.

“Yeah, well since I became a bit more of a dragon and since Tommy here is a full dragon now, it’s a good thing that you’re my doctor,” Jeff said as he raised his right arm.

“Yeah I know, I saw your arm the first time you went unconscious, by the way how are the two of you feeling,” Dr. Walker said as he took his penlight out and checked Jeff’s eyes and went over to Tommy and did the same thing.

“Well I’m feeling better now, still sore from going toe to toe with Jeff here yesterday when he went completely feral dragon on us,” Tommy said.

“That’s interesting, you need to tell me how that went, and how do you feel Jeff,” Dr. Walker asked as he put his penlight away.

“I’m feeling a bit better also, but my arm still hurts and so does my chest some, but not as much as yesterday,” Jeff said.

“That’s good to hear, we still need to run some tests on the two of you since Tommy is fully dragon and you changed some more,” Dr. Walker said as he walked out of the room.

He returned a few minutes later with a wheel chair and helped Jeff into it. Tommy got up and helped Dr. Walker get Jeff into the wheel chair as well. After he helped Jeff into the wheel chair, he noticed that he was only wearing the gown that had the open back and was starting to get embarrassed. Jeff was just laughing lightly at this and Tommy just got even more embarrassed.

“Hey doc, can you tell me where my shorts are, I don’t want to go walking around like this all day,” Tommy said.

“Oh sorry, your shorts are right over there,” he said as he pointed over to a table where Jeff’s and Tommy’s clothes were laying on.

He went over and was disappointed that his shirt was cut but was glad that his shorts weren’t destroyed. He picked them up and put them on and soon walked back over to Dr. Walker and Jeff. They soon walked out into the hallway with Tommy pushing Jeff in the wheelchair and went towards an examination room. Tommy found out that nobody was staring at him or Jeff and he was a bit glad at that. When they got to the examination room, Dr. Walker had Tommy sit on the exam table and he just had to sit on his tail so it wouldn’t hang over the side of the table. Jeff just laughed a little when Tommy did this and Tommy just gave him a dirty look and Jeff stopped laughing but was still smiling. Dr. Walker said that he would be right back in with another doctor and stepped outside for a few minutes. While they were waiting, they heard the door open and saw Tina and Rachael step in. Jeff and Tommy both perked up when they saw them.

“What are you guys doing here,” Jeff said.

“Well, Dr. Walker asked us to come in so we can get a complete check up as well, and also to get these stitches out, they are really starting to itch now,” Rachael said as she scratched her left arm where a couple of stitches were.

“But didn’t you get a complete check up last night,” Tommy said.

“No, just got the stitches and a regular check up, since we’re all dragons, they wanted to do a complete check up, by the way how are you two feeling,” Tina said and tossed Tommy a shirt.

“I guess so, thank goodness for dragon healing, I’m feeling better, but I’m still sore,” Tommy said as he caught the shirt.

“You three may be feeling better, but I’m still banged up with a broken arm and four broken ribs here,” Jeff said.

“Yeah that’s right, you’re not a complete dragon yet,” Rachael said.

While they were talking, the door opened again and Dr. Walker and two other doctors came in as well. The two doctors were a bit drawn back to see three large dragons standing around. Jeff and the others started laughing at this, but Jeff groaned a little from laughing so hard. They all calmed down some and the female doctor asked Tina and Rachael to come into another examination room that was across the hall. They followed her out the door as Dr. Walker closed the door to the examination room that they were in. Tommy was still sitting on the exam room bed as Dr. Walker and the other doctor came over to him. The doctor had to get a stool just so he could exam Tommy and Tommy still had to bend over some. The doctor just checked his eyes, and asked if he could open wide so he could check his throat. After he was done he got off the stool real quick.

“Okay, now can you take your gown of real quick,” the doctor said.

“Sure,” Tommy said as he took it off.

“And the shorts as well,” he said.

“WHAT! But why do I have to,” Tommy said.

“You’re a dragon aren’t you, there’s nothing down there anyway,” the doctor said.

“Okay,” Tommy said grumbling and Jeff was just laughing at this.

After they had examined Tommy and removed the stitches from his arms, legs, and wings, they examined Jeff next. He was able to keep the gown on and was a bit glad at it. After they were done with the examinations, Tommy put his shorts back on and asked if he can just put the shirt that Tina gave him. The doctor said that it was fine and they left the room. When the door was opened, they saw Tina and Rachael standing there and Tina just whistled some when Tommy was having trouble getting his shirt on. He heard the whistle and was clearly embarrassed by this as he finished putting it on. Jeff, Rachael, and Tina were soon laughing at this as Tommy started blushing and just started pushing Jeff again as they followed Dr. Walker and the other two doctors. They went to the x-ray room to get some more x-rays to see how Jeff was coming along and they had to wait for a little bit for them to come back. While they were waiting for Dr. Walker to get the x-rays, the other two doctors ran a few more tests on Rachael, Tina, and Tommy. The tests were different ones, like seeing how much they can lift and how fast they can run. Jeff was just sitting back and watching the whole thing and smiling.

“I’m surprised you guys can lift that much weight,” Jeff said smiling.

“Same here, it seemed like lifting 600 pounds was nothing, maybe I can lift some more weight, but they ran out,” Tommy said while rotating his left arm.

“Same here, but we’re still kind of sore from yesterday,” Rachael said as she and Tina were doing the same thing.

Pretty soon, the two doctors scanned the four of them to look at their organs. Rachael, Tina, and Tommy had to fold their wings in as tightly as possible just to be able to fit inside the machine. The doctors were amazed by what was there as they were looking over the images.

“This is completely amazing, everything looks the same but only larger, the one thing that we can’t figure out are these two organs above your lungs,” the male doctor said as he was looking over the images.

“Take a guess,” Tommy said as an ice mist came out of his mouth and a little bit of fire came out of his nostrils, and the others did the same.

“I guess we don’t have to figure out what those are for, but I’m also amazed that you have them as well,” the female doctor said as she looked at Jeff.

“What can I say, I’m part dragon,” Jeff said.

“That explains it as well as your eyes,” she said.

While they were talking, the door opened up and Dr. Walker came in with Jeff’s x-rays and looking at them curiously and a bit amazed.

“Well, Jeff, it looks like your broken arm is already starting to heal some, my guess is that’s because you’re part dragon, so you will heal faster than normal humans but not as fast as these three,” Dr. Walker said.

“So am I able to move it around some,” Jeff said.

“Yes you are, all you need is the cast, just make sure you don’t bang it on anything, as for your ribs, they’re healing at the same pace, again due to you being part dragon, you will still be sore for a while, but my guess is that you will be completely healed in about three to four days, give or take a day,” he said.

“That’s good to hear,” Rachael said.

“Yeah we don’t want you to miss out on the karate tournament on Saturday, we’re supposed to be giving them a small demonstration after the tournament,” Tommy said.

“That’s right, hopefully I won’t be that sore when Saturday comes around,” Jeff said as they entered the room where Jeff and Tommy were staying.

“Well, I just suggest that you take it easy for the time being Jeff, and the four of you check out alright, you’re free to go,” Dr. Walker said.

“Thanks doc, don’t worry, we’ll make sure that Jeff gets plenty of rest for the week,” Tina said.

“Okay, well it was nice meeting you Rachael, Jeff told me all about you during his visits here,” he said as he left the room.

“Really now,” Rachael as she looked over at Jeff.

“Sorry Rachael,” Jeff said as he started to get up.

“Can the two of you leave so I can get changed please, it’s really embarrassing enough as it is,” Jeff said.

“Okay,” they both said and left the room.

Jeff just walked over to where his clothes were and just slowly got dressed, cringing ever so often because of the pain. He noticed that his chest was also wrapped in bandages and he noticed that they rewrapped his right arm. He guessed that Dr. Walker did that. He was just glad that his sunglasses and dragon crew glove were there as well and just put them on after he got dressed. They soon walked out of the room and Rachael and Tina were just standing there waiting for them and they were talking to some little kids there. The kids went wide eyed when they saw Tommy and Jeff come out and just said cool. They both just smiled as they started walking to the front of the hospital. Jeff had a bit of a hard time though because of his ribs and that he was still sore all over. When they got to the front of the hospital, they saw news crews there and newspaper reporters as well trying to get inside. The security guards and the police were there and trying to keep them outside.

“Let us in, we know that those dragons are in there,” one reporter said.

“Look, there they are, and they have a teen with them,” another reporter said.

“Come on, we parked your car around the back,” Tina said.

“You drove my car,” Jeff said shocked.

“Well, I drove your car,” Rachael said.

“Okay, well I don’t feel like walking all the way to the back,” Jeff said.

“Well we can get you a wheel chair,” Tommy said.

“I’ve got a better idea,” Jeff said smiling.

“What are you talking about,” Rachael said.

“Just watch,” Jeff said.

They turned around and Jeff created a portal to the back of the hospital and they saw his car on the other side. Everybody was just looking at this in awe and some kids said cool when they saw Jeff do this. Jeff was still smiling as he walked through it to his car. He motioned for the others to come through and they just looked at each other and smiled as well and walked through. The portal closed in a flash of light and they were standing by Jeff’s car.

“I’m surprised that you’re still able to do that, Jeff. I would’ve thought that you wouldn’t be able to create any more portals after yesterday,” Tommy said.

“Yeah, well I guess that after what happened yesterday with Erebus and stuff, the knowledge to create a portal kind of stuck around,” Jeff said with a shrug and looked over at Tommy.

“That’s cool,” Rachael said.

“So are you going to fly home or ride with us,” Tommy said when he saw the look Jeff was giving him.

“Well, we were hoping to ride home with you guys, but I could really use some practice with these wings,” Tina said.

“I can help, besides, if we fly home, the reporters will see us and the two of you will be able to get out of here quietly,” Rachael said.

“Thanks,” Jeff said.

“See you two at home,” Tina said and went over and kissed Tommy on the cheek.

Rachael did the same to Jeff and they both started blushing. Rachael and Tina backed up some and started flapping their wings and were off into the air flying. Tina was having a little bit of trouble at first, but corrected herself with some tips from Rachael. Jeff and Tommy were just watching Rachael and Tina flying off and were just smiling at them.

“I can’t wait to become a dragon fully and start flying, it must be wonderful to fly under your own power,” Jeff said.

“I wouldn’t know yet, I haven’t used these wings yet, plus you already flew once already,” Tommy said as he flexed his wings some and walked over to the car.

“Hey, I didn’t have a choice in that matter since Karayan and Shyama were trying to fricassee me with a wall of fire, plus I thought I was close to the ground,” Jeff shot back as he walked over to the car as well.

“You better let me drive since you still have a broken arm, by the way, do you have these dragons’ address,” Tommy said as he got into the driver’s seat.

“Yes I do, when Aaron and I were chatting, we exchanged addresses so we could visit each other if we wanted to,” Jeff said as he got into the car on the passenger side.

“Well, how are we going to get there, you going to make another portal or something,” Tommy said.

“Yep, I think I have enough energy for that, but I may have to borrow some energy from you just in case,” Jeff said smiling.

“Great, road trip. I just wish that we could’ve told Rachael and Tina about this,” Tommy said as he started up the car.

“Same here, but you know what Bethuel and Ignatius said. All I can say is that we’re going to be chewed out by them as well as our parents when we get home,” Jeff said as he buckled up.

“Tell me about it, plus you will probably have to deal with two angry dragon parents,” Tommy said as he buckled up.

“Don’t remind me,” Jeff said.

They started laughing some and stopped when Jeff groaned some. Jeff soon looked ahead and started concentrating. Tommy put his claw on Jeff’s shoulder and started sending energy into him. Jeff started glowing some as wind started blowing into a central point ahead of them. Pretty soon, a portal appeared in a flash of light. On the other side of the portal was a house in the suburbs somewhere and Tommy took his claw off of Jeff and just punched it and drove into the portal. In another flash of light, they were in the driveway of Aaron and Aster’s house. Tommy turned the car off and looked at Jeff.

“Are you sure this is their house,” Tommy said.

“Yep, we sent each other pictures of our houses,” Jeff said and they didn’t notice Amethyst and Zeiss poke their heads up from the back seat.

“Are we home yet Uncle Jeff,” Amethyst said.

“I think we went on a trip,” Zeiss said.

Both Tommy and Jeff jumped when they heard them and quickly turned around.

“What are you two doing here,” Jeff said.

“We wanted to come along and see you and Tommy, Uncle Jeff, please don’t send us home,” Amethyst said.

“Well okay, I can’t send you home anyway because I don’t have enough energy to create a portal,” Jeff said.

“So it looks like the two of you are stuck with us for a while, I hope your parents won’t get mad at us,” Tommy said smiling and Amethyst and Zeiss smiled as well.

“Where are we anyway,” Zeiss said as he looked around.

“We’re at a friend’s house, he’s also a dragon along with his brother and I think some of his friends,” Jeff said as he and Tommy started to get out of the car.

“Cool, can we come along,” Amethyst asked and Tommy and Jeff just looked at each other.

“Sure why not,” Tommy said.

Amethyst and Zeiss smiled again and jumped out of the car and followed Tommy and Jeff to the front door. When they got to the front door, Jeff rang the doorbell and they heard what sounded like arguing and wrestling and were wondering what was going on. Tommy stepped to the side along with Amethyst and Zeiss and Jeff was wondering why they did this. Soon enough, he found out as the door swung open and two large golden dragons came tumbling out wrestling with each other and almost fell on Jeff.

“Whoa, what the heck,” Jeff said wide eyed as he moved out of the way to avoid being tackled by Aaron and Aster.
here's part 10 of the Dragon Crew. there are a couple new characters in it that Jeff and Tommy meet. hope you like it.

Aaron, Aster, and Krenif are copyrighted to:[link]
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TheDragonOfTime's avatar
These dragons have one odd family.